
Thursday 24 November 2011

True Blue

Okay so this is my first post from good ol' TWU...after the nagging from one of the other pantie friends who was on my case... so I put down the books for a little while to share a bit about last week or so.  So to start this post off, I need to make it clear that I am not the biggest fan of personality tests, but one of my classes required me to take one this semester (what's that about, right! Such a dumb class)....So after several pointless questions I discovered my personality was 'Blue'.  Yeeep Blue. Basically I'm a peace maker but place my troubles on other people too much. I'm good at expressing how I feel, but I cry too much. I have a 'good moral conscience' but try to please too many people.  And pretty much...over-emotional.  I hate to admit that some of it was somewhat accurate (okay, very accurate). But being put in a box is no fun. I guess it's good to know these things about yourself, so you can work on them and whatnot. 

So all in all, I guess it was worth the ten minutes of my time. Especially because the best thing I read about being a Blue person is that they seem to attract those real True Blue friends. And I must say, this is true. A got myself a pair of True Blue friends right here:) And no matter what colour they are, or what colour I am...we'll always be True Blue Friends.

Truly, Trinity Panties

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